Iridium Pager (Burst).Life-Saving device in area's where there is lack of GSM coverage or any other communication channel.
Using Iridium as a pager in areas where there is lack of GSM coverage or any other communication channel. Our (In cooperation with Two10degrees and On the Cusp, see note below) Iridium GDB pager uses Iridium Burst as a carrier. It is one way traffic, but great advantage is the true global coverage even without direct line of site. Whether you are at the south pole, in the Himalaya or in your basement or hurricane shelter, each message sent to you with Iridium Burst will be picked up by our GDB Pager.
Joined Forces of GDB
This is the range of products which we developed in a joined force of GAP Ltd, Leap Development B.V. and On the Cusp Ltd. The partnership believes that the service opens up an opportunity to develop products that have previously not been possible due to technological limitations. In combination, the global coverage capability of the Iridium network and the in-building reception achievable using the Iridium Burst service, provides a unique opportunity to develop a range of products that were previously not possible.